Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
5 Wins
08 Komusubi #2 East Daieisho
19 Maegashira #5 West Midorifuji
23 Maegashira #7 West Takayasu
29 Maegashira #10 West Nishikifuji
Notable Maneuvers
Tsukihiza. That would be a "non-technique" that Mitakeumi won with. He and Wakatakakage were grappling, but Wakatakakage's knee did go down without much of a maneuver from the former Ozeki.
Match of the Day
Probably smartly, Tobizaru did his very best to not get entangled with Kotonowaka and spent most of this match trying to run around to Kotonowaka's side for a surprise attack. Kotonowaka kept his feet as is his wont, but Tobizaru attacked again and again and again. Finally, Tobizaru ended up sideways to Kotonowaka, which allowed for the younger man to win with a hearty shove.