Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
Notable Maneuvers
Henka. There were three claims at a sidestep on Day Six. Kotoeko didn't exactly square up Kinbozan. Hokutofuji ended up sideways to Ura after an odd tachiai that might have been more on Ura. Hoshoryu seemed to know Onosho would come in low and had an easy win by moving slightly to the side.
Match of the Day
Kotonowaka did what he was supposed to do by keeping his ground and not allowing Daieisho to unload his full tsuppari attack. Kotonowaka then grabbed a hold of Daieisho's mawashi, which should have been it. But Daieisho never let Kotonowaka get him moving, which gave Daieisho a small advantage. He turned Kotonowaka sideways for a thrust-down and a sixth straight win.