Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
10 wins
08 Komusubi #2 East Daieisho
19 Maegashira #5 West Midorifuji
9 wins
05 Sekiwake #2 East Kiribayama
06 Komusubi #1 East Wakamotoharu
07 Komusubi #1 West Kotonowaka
Notable Maneuvers
Kotenage. There three, count 'em, arm lock throws on Day Twelve, which is always a good thing on a day of sumo if no one gets hurt because of one. And one of them capped a great match. (See below.)
Match of the Day
Ura did his up-and-under thing, which mostly resulted in Kotoshoho wrapping his right arm around Ura's left. So Ura broke the hold and did his remarkable parrying thrusts to not let someone get any kind of grip. Still, Kotoshoho is bigger and strong, which meant he could take Ura to the edge. So Ura stepped sideways and did his remarkable tawara dance and returned to center. Kotosho kept trying to get that grip around Ura's left arm, which Ura kept blocking and spinning away from. After moving around the dohyo, Kotoshoho got inside. So Kotoshoho wrapped his right arm around Ura's left and did a remarkable kotenage that flipped Ura completely over.