Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
9 Wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
8 Wins
14 Maegashira #2 West Tamawashi
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
Notable Manuevers
Sukuinage. Much like boyhood rival Takakeisho's new kotenage, Onosho's ability to throw an off-balance opponent like he did to Kotoshoho is a bad sign for other rikishi.
Match of the Day
08 Komusubi #1 West Kotonowaka versus 02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
Takakeisho began with his fearsome pushing, but Kotonowaka's outstanding footwork allowed him to take the blows without going backward. He was getting a face full of slaps from the Ozeki, but Kotonowaka could take a chance on shifting the match. His approach was to get under Takakeisho's arms. It took a lot of effort, because Takakeisho was not going quietly. In the end, though, it was the shin-Komusubi who was victorious with a mighty shove that threw Takakeisho off-balance.