Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
12 Wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
11 Wins
07 Komusubi #1 East Kiribayama
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
Notable Maneuver
Hansoku. Hair pulls are not uncommon, they've happened this basho a few times, but Hoshoryu won on the disqualification in a momentous match. Onosho's fistful of hair meant he lost a special prize and a Jun-Yusho. Also, Hoshoryu will keep his Sekiwake rank for another basho.
Match of the Day
These two both enjoy a long and awkward mawashi battle, and they delivered. Kiribayama was fighting for a Technique Prize and a Jun-Yusho, while Ryuden only had pride on the line. Yet they still locked up tight from the jump. They ended up in a shoulder to shoulder hold, Kiribayama's right shoulder on Ryuden's left with hands on mawashis. They spun around the dohyo like this for a bit until Kiribayama found an opening to quickly switch grips. That gave him a yorikiri opportunity, and he took it.