Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
11 Wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
10 Wins
07 Komusubi #1 East Kiribayama
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
Notable Maneuver
Tsukiotoshi. The thrust down is a simple maneuver, but it was consequential on Day Fourteen. Kiribayama sensed Onosho was off balance and hit his side for the easy win that knocked Onosho out of the yusho race.
Match of the Day
By rank, Kotoshoho was facing his toughest challenge of the Hatsu basho. He knew enough to not allow Daieisho his pushing attack. Although Kotoshoho landed a grip, Daieisho wasn't done for. He broke up the grappling attempts, but Kotoshoho reached his long right arm out for a mawashi grip that could lead to a yorikiri.