Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
8 Wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
7 Wins
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
Notable Manuevers
It was a double henka day. Chiyoshoma sidestepped Takarafuji early on. In the second half of Makuuchi, Midorifuji jumped out of Abi's way for an easy win.
Match of the Day
It was a little sloppy, but also really exciting. Ura went for Nishikifuji's leg, which the Isegahama man spotted instantly. After blowing up Ura's grip attempt, Nishikifuji began pushing Ura back. Then Ura began moving in that nimble crab way he can. Both men were sliding around the dohyo, which was worse for Nishikifuji who began to stumble and fall down. Ura sensed the weakness and hit a slapdown for the win.