Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
6 wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
12 Maegashira #1 West Daieisho
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
29 Maegashira #10 East Aoiyama
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
Notable Manuevers
Hikkake. An arm-grabbing force out is always fun, and Ura had a very good one against Nishikigi.
Match of the Day
16 Maegashira #3 West Midorifuji versus 02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
There are some rules in sumo: don't pull on the hair, don't grab someone's crotch, and don't get in a shoving match with Takakeisho. Somehow, Midorifuji violated that last one and held his own. In fact, the slaps got so fearsome and even they had a standing stare-down in the middle of the match. Then they re-engaged, and even seemed to be headed towards a grappling contest. That should have favored Midorifuji, but Takakeisho won by turning the Isegahama man around with a quite well executed kotenage. The Yokozuna chance is still alive.