Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
5 wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
12 Maegashira #1 West Daieisho
15 Maegashira #3 East Abi
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
29 Maegashira #10 East Aoiyama
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
38 Maegashira #14 West Azumaryu
41 Maegashira #16 East Takarafuji
Notable Manuevers
Hansoku. Takanosho lost to Chiyoshoma because he gave a hearty yank on the Mongolian trickster's hair. Foul.
Match of the Day
The simple fact of this match was that Midorifuji refused to lose. Hoshoryu sort of bundled him up at the tachiai with a hard to classify grip. Hoshoryu's left arm was around Midorifuji's right, but Hoshoryu's right arm was sort of pushing on Midorifuji's left. It was enough to give Hoshoryu the advantage, just not enough to get the win. After a lot of adjusting and attempted throws, Hoshoryu got Midorifuji to the edge. Then Midorifuji attempted an utchari throw, while Hoshoryu went into Midorifuji's body. In the ensuing mess, the gyoji said Hoshoryu's elbow went down before any part of Midorifuji.
There was a mono-ii, and Hoshoryu clearly felt hard done by not getting at least a torinaoshi. The fans should feel hard done by as well because more from these two would have been great.