Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
9 Wins
02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
8 Wins
25 Maegashira #8 East Onosho
35 Maegashira #13 East Kotoshoho
Notable Manuevers
Kotenage. Takakeisho unleashed his second arm lock throw of the tournament, and fourth of his career, to beat Meisei. If Takakeisho has a new weapon, that is trouble for every other rikishi.
Match of the Day
Kotoshoho wanted to keep Ura at arm's length, but Ura wanted to get inside and possibly grab a leg. Neither man succeeded, which meant that they circled the dohyo a bit and then had one of those endings where each falls out and the replay makes you wonder about Ura's hand compared to Kotoshoho's shin compared to both men having no chance to recover. Gumbai Kotoshoho, but mono-ii and Torinaoashi.
Then they almost had the same start, but Kotoshoho decided to keep up the pressure as Ura moved around instead of countering. That sent Ura to the clay and kept Kotoshoho in the yusho race.