Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Notable Manuevers
Okuridashi. Wakatakakage moved right in on Tobizaru as soon as Tobizaru's back was to him. That's why the simple rear push out can sometimes be quite impressive.
Match of the Day
12 Maegashira #1 West Daieisho versus 02 Ozeki West Takakeisho
These two were never getting into a marathon belt battle, but they showed a shove fest can be a great match. At the tachiai, they both went tsuppari, exchanging blows with heavy hits and bloody faces but nobody really gaining ground. Then Daieisho started moving Takakeisho backwards. The Ozeki then won at the edge with a heavy sideways shove as he was twisting on the tawara.