Yusho Arasoi
12 wins 11 Maegashira #1 East Takayasu
11 wins 02 Ozeki East Takakeisho 28 Maegashira #9 West Abi
Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Notable Manuevers
Hikiotoshi. Abi kept Hoshoryu at his considerable arm's length, which meant that Hoshoryu couldn't get any offense and Abi could hit him to the side for an easy win.
Match of the Day
Takayasu's shoulder blast was once again on point in this match, and he looked like he may have easily sent back Kagayaki. Instead, Kagayaki kept reloading. It wasn't model sumo, but he put Takayasu on alert and even had him nearly out a few times. Instead, Takayasu kept his balance and showed why excels at long matches even when they are wild back and forths.