Yusho Arasoi
Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Notable Manuevers
Henka. Chiyoshoma did a flying sidestep, which didn't work initially. Takarafuji grabbed him easily out of the air, and then seemed to have control. Fortunately for Chiyoshoma, Takarafuji has lost his power to move anyone so Chiyoshoma won anyway.
Match of the Day
Ozeki East Takakeisho versus Komusubi #1 West Kiribayama
It wasn't a pretty match, but Takakeisho and Kiribayama had an interesting one. Kiribayama withstood the initial shove, then tried to work on some kind of grip. Takakeisho successfully blocked that, but he also had to move backwards and Kiribayama seemed to have an advantage. Instead, Takakeisho reloaded and went extremely hard after Kiribyama, sending the Komusubi out and laying himself out on the dohyo.