Public League Leaderboard
Scores from Fantasizr.
Yusho Arasoi
12 Wins
05 Sekiwake #2 East Kiribayama
08 Komusubi #2 East Daieisho
Kiribayama wins Playoff for Yusho.
Notable Maneuvers
Utchari. Kotonowaka had Wakamotoharu dead to rights on a frontal crush out, but Wakamotharu held his feet and spun well enough that Kotonowaka somehow stepped out first.
Match of the Day
The playoff match between these two followed an excellent, but short, match in regulation. Kiribayama got blasted back by Daieisho's tsuppari attack then deftly stepped aside to push Daieisho out and over. The playoff was nearly a replay, except that Kiribayama's bail out maneuver wasn't as clean. That's right, we got a playoff match with a mono-ii.
After a quick review, the shimpan agreed with the gyoji, giving the match and the yusho to Kiribayama.